This is a hilarious story about a hungry boy named Banjo and a sausage named Melvin who apparently is Banjo's dinner but refuses to get eaten by him. Imagine being hungry and as you are going to eat your dinner, it jumps off the plate and runs away. Thats what happens to Banjo. Banjo Cannon was planning to have his daily dinner of sausage, carrots, peas and french fries sitting on his own table and chair using his own spoon and fork. But this particular day, the sausage (whose name is Melvin) decides that he doesnt want to be eaten and so he jumps off the plate and runs away. And then the chasing begins with carrots, peas and fries run after Melvin and so is knife, fork, table, chair and poor hungry Banjo. Joining the chase is Banjo's parents Mr and Mrs, their cat Mildred and their neighbours dog who apparently is after Mildred. They run through the road to the park and thats where different members of this running race end up in different situations. As the story unfolds, carrots and french fries manage to escape but two of the peas end up eaten by birds. Now, that is the part that worries my girl a bit. So if your little one is sensitive, handle this part accordingly. But, little D really likes to spot the one pea that manages to escape in the picture. Also she giggles at the part where the plate enjoys being thrown as a frisbee and a boiled egg named billy, seeing all this and gets confused, runs off. The table who is still running gets the attention of lots of park benches and enjoys it. To cut the story short, in spite of Melvin's efforts to escape, Banjo manages to catch him. But Mrs (Banjo's mom) becomes the spoil sport and asks Banjo to not to eat anything that has been on the ground. Seizing the chance Melvin escapes and runs off with a base ball and Banjo goes back home with his mom and dad. Since he isstill hungry, he decides to finish atleast his dessert of plum pie and you can guess what happens then, right? This story is really funny, fast paced with lots of things happening at a time. It lets the kid's imagination run wild and do expect lots of questions and interruptions in between. The illustrations are simple and interesting. I really recommend this for the imaginative toddlers and preschoolers.
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